What Curtains are best for Insulation?

Block Out CurtainsWhen we’re in the comfort of our own home we want to feel exactly that – comfortable. We want to feel warm in winter and cool during summer. Your home’s insulation is instrumental in helping control the indoor climate (aside from the air conditioner) but did you know your curtains can also provide sufficient insulation as well?

Insulated curtains work by stopping warm air from entering or leaving through your windows. They help regulate indoor temperature by protecting your home from the four key types of heat loss – conduction, infiltration, radiation and convection.

Most insulated curtains will typically contain these components:

- A decorative surface layer that is protected by an internal lining
- A high-density foam layer that functions to block sound waves and heat exchanges

You’ll find insulated curtains in a variety of styles at Curtains on the Net. All our block out curtain fabrics come with a special coating that insulates. Our Premium curtains come with an additional attached lining and our Designer curtains have 2 attached linings for superior insulation. . For more information on insulated curtains feel free to contact us at Curtains on the Net today.



Article by Simon

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